Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just a Tuesday

These days the biggest project is getting everything done before noon so I don't fry! Today's job was taking the "hay houses" out of the dog runs. I build them in the fall for the warmth but they are quite good insulators in the summer...well maybe not but it is a good excuse for being a couple months late getting them out. Maybe because there wasn't much moisture so they stayed dry and didn't get wet and mouldy. I have a canopy over them in the summer for shade and in the winter I sort of wrap it in a huge hay tarp. Works well and someday we'll get real snazzy kennels built..after the shop, garage, addition to hay shed...you get the picture.

Please Mom don't wreck my house!

Kennels clean, barrels in place, everyone is happy.

Then I sat and had a look around the yard. It is getting dry but not too bad yet for this time of year.

Beside the 3 rows of rasberries and 2 rows of strawberries (that Rosie steals all the time) Len built me a couple of raised beds. They are better for watering and weeding and will grow almost as much as half of our big garden did. Not bad considering I only planted it a month ago.

The tomatoes in the green house are doing great...

In the middle of all these goings on, I had to go out into the pasture /trial field to get the pen down and bring in in so we could mow the field. I decided to go in using the 10 foot gate off the driveway but once you start driving in, you have to turn right away becasue (yes Len I know) I built the takepens too close to the gate opening. So...I kind of "shaved" the post....


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